Friday, March 11, 2011

The Sign Has Shown


My deepest concern and sorrow goes to every human being in the world. I know you've heard the breaking news of tsunami attacking Japan and most probably other coastal areas  which are under warning alert. It is sad but these are all natural disaster and we have no power against it, only Allah The Almighty, hence keep on seek for Allah's help. Pray hard that everything goes well. 

The world is heading towards its end, and are we ever ready yet? In fact, AM I READY yet?? That's for us to think and ponder.

O Allah, dari Kamu kami datang, dan kepada-Mu jualah kami akan kembali.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Her First Time Flying

And Alhamdulillah everything went well when take off, during and landing. 

Our flight departed at 2am (local time) and we went to KLIA 5hours earlier to spend the our last minute, dinner and chit-chatting.
Had to hold the button to impress Lulu to look at the camera (iphone to be specific)
Changed and loo-ing anything that needs to do before the departure.

notice that one of my button tercabut?
And, we are ready to go...
It took us about 12hours for the journey itself, plus two hours for baggage waiting, and that sets the family(read:Mr Superman) in worried mode. And all I can say is that, Emirates sucks. No, I don't mean all the Flight Attendants, only a few of them. You know, I had to hold my baby in the flight, although we paid for a bassinet. Ok fine, from KUL-Dubai, I'd ask for a bassinet, and this FA told me, yes they will provide it only after the take-off. After that, the FA seems to change and handle other zones, so, I waited for the bassinet about 3 hours, only to let the other FA enjoy looking at my baby sleeping on me, but no one gives the good damn bassinet. 

At last, got the bassinet and I'm hands-free yeayy
Everyone's sleeping, and I'm the only one not!!
And so I switched on the audio/video system...Enjoying the entertainment while having.......
Breakfast set- Scrambled eggs with chicken sausage, hash browns and mushrooms...yummeh...I had all the meals they served, but unluckily I can't capture the picture as I was holding Lulu at that time.
Ok, i don't blame them because I know the flight was full so they had to entertain the others. But after 3 hours, I gave up holding since my hand cramped. My butt rasa macam nak tercabut sitting in one position jer. Haha. Worst still, I had to hold Lulu all the way from Dubai-JED because they didn't find where they've put the bassinet, and didn't even inform me. Solution: Spread the changing mat on the floor, and let Lulu crawled and played on it.

Bangun tido and main ngn Aunty Sheya pulak..
I think she enjoys her flight so much, that she pooped!!!Hehe

Monday, March 7, 2011

Half way there

Apparently I can't help myself to sleep, and I'm way behind of completing my packing yet. Bahh. Maybe I'm too nervous as this will be my very first journey on a plane with a "baby". And, when I said alone, I really mean that there's no more hubby to help me around! In a positive way, yeah, I learn to be independent and less dependent to hubby, or else, there's always "Sayang, tolong itu, sayang tolong ini". Hahaa and I'm positively, highly sure that my Mr. Superman is surely gonna miss my command :p

Owh, and I'm excited too that I need to hug dear Mr Superman tonight, because he's gonna live (minus) the hugs for merely 2 months. Nevertheless, there's always things called web-cam-ing, yahoo-ing and la di da di da what-not.

Love you sayang, and here's a song for you


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Spinach Pancakes with Spiced Beef and Baked beans

God, my first time making pancakes and I swear to God, I'll think twice to make them again.

Hahah I feel like crying or laughing  (kinda mixed feelings) when I looked at my pancakes. Nevertheless, still taste good only that we're a bit full after having late lunch at Sahara Tent, Alamanda.Because, home-made food is the best, we prepared it with love and care.

First attempt - pancake jadi macam scramble pancake jerr LOL

Third attempts - by hubby, much better!
I can't cook Western I guess, so I pass and surrender. Next, we'll try Indian cooking.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Self-Potrait Photos

Finally, all the hassles settled, now just waiting for the approval. Today was hectic, not to mention hunting for Oath and Commissioner yet another trouble!! We went to the first stop and we were unlucky to find out that the Mister went for a meeting in KL, so we seek for another place only to be sent out in a "nice" way. Hehe 

Hate to say this for the millionth  time, but my baby sure looks cute for her visa photo.

Shian Lulu, she needs a pair of shoes! Ayah and Mummy, please buy one for me?? >.<
Her second attempts
And the end result :

LOL loving this!!
Hahaha and try compare these two pictures below :

Left - me, Right - Lulu
Hahahahahahahahahaha aku serious nak gelak guling-guling sekarang nih!!! Never that I thought my daughter has my look when I was a baby! Hahahahahahahahhahah funny.

P/s : Owh by the way, Hj Sharin Low (like their FB here!!) will be opening their new outlet, AND most importantly it is very near to our house!! ooo emmm geee!!! God, I so love their food. It's so nice to eat Chinese Muslim food 5 minutes away from your house, haha we never need to go to Ampang anymore! Heard they'll be launching the new restaurant this 28th February 2011 - must drop by.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Beautiful Sunday

Well, who says when Sunday comes, laziness strikes?

At least not to us this weekend. Hehe we had activities that bonded us together, more like family-thingy activities. Woke up in the morning (you know my usual mornings :p) and got ready for the weekly ta'alim at the neighborhood. I had to bring Lulu 'Aayesha often to program that gives her "makanan rohani" if you get what I mean. Yeah of course, besides reciting Al-Qoran to her, she needs to listen to Hadiths too. Alhamdulillah, she behaved well and kept herself busy holding keys. Yes, she likes to hold everything except her toys. >.<

On the other hand, hubby did the laundry. You heard me right. He thought that it was somewhat a new hobby to him. Haha. So I helped him around and lipat baju. Wahh piles of it!!

Ade dua lagi bakul *nangess huaaaaa*


Lulu's first time swimming!!
After swimming, we cooked our late lunch together. We had
Ikan Siakap masak tiga Rasa
Hubby : Pasni tak payah gi makan kedai lagi...
Me: Nape pulak??
Hubby: Sebab awak masak pon dah sedap macam kedai....
Me: '__" cakap jelaa sedap tak perlu lah ayat berkias hah

So, how was your Sunday??

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Korean Drama

If one thing you guys don't know about me,  I'm always the last person on earth to know things late. Hehe. Just had lunch with sister at Ayam Penyet Best, Seksyen 15, and I was updating her that I bought a good Korean Drama last Monday and that she will definitely gonna borrow and watch it. But no!!Happen to be, she already watched it. Haha

Couple or Trouble

It's ok, there's always a phrase that says:

It's never too late to try new things. hehe

The hero is totally a heartthrob, damn even Mr Superman had to agree and said, yeah his body is like that as well. Uhuh had to approve, or else I can't watch the drama on his big good screen. Haha speaking of which, we spent the holiday at home, watching Korean. I know I know, no life but in a way, we did spend quality times together.

UPDATED : Finished watching it in 3D2N lol speaking of which, I've already booked my 3D2N destination for our 2nd anniversary tru AirAsia. They're having great promotions, so why wait??Book yours now!!