Friday, November 28, 2008

think positive and naturally :p

i've came across this funny email my friend sent to me and feel like sharing it with u guys...heheh...just ignore again, if u have read it...but for those yang x pernah, then enjoy!!

Seorang guru, Cikgu Murni (Umur: 22) menghadapi masalah dengan salah seorang muridnya (Abu). Lalu guru ini bertanya kepada murid tersebut : “Apa sebenarnya masalah awak, Abu?”

Lalu Abu menjawab, “Saya terlalu cerdik untuk berada di darjah 4, kakak saya menduduki UPSR dan saya lebih cerdik dari dia, maka saya seharusnya berada di tempat yang sama juga!”.

Cikgu Murni dah tak tertahan. Dia bawa Abu ke pejabat pengetua. Sementara Abu menunggu di ruang tamu, Cikgu Murni terangkan keadaan tersebut kepada pengetua. Pengetua mengatakan yang dia akan berikan ujian kepada Abu dan jika Abu gagal menjawab, maka Abu harus kekal di darjah 3 dan berkelakuan baik. Abu dibawa masuk ke pejabat Pengetua dan Cikgu Murni terangkan pada Abu dan Abu bersetuju untuk ambil ujian yang akan diberikan.
Pengetua: Apa 3 x 3?
Abu: 9
Pengetua: Apa 6 x 6?
Abu: 36

Pengetua terus bertanyakan soalan2 berdasarkan tahap pencapaian murid2 UPSR dan si Abu mampu menjawab tiap soalan yang diberikan. Lalu pengetua memandang Cikgu Murni dan berkata, “Saya rasa murid ini sepatutnya berada di darjah 6?, Lalu Cikgu Murni berkata pada pengetua, “Saya ada soalan saya sendiri, boleh tak saya ajukan pada Abu?”. Pengetua dan Abu bersetuju.

sakura na: Cikgu Murni: Apa yang lembu ada 4 di badan, tapi saya cuma ada dua?
Abu: (berfikir) Kaki

Cikgu Murni: Apa yang ada di dalam seluar kamu tapi tidak pada seluar saya?

Abu: Saku

Cikgu Murni: Apa yang bermula dengan huruf “K” akhir dengan “A”, ianya berbulu, berbentuk oval, nyaman dan mengandungi lapisan nipis keputihan?
Abu: Kelapa

Cikgu Murni: Apakah yang masuk keras dan berwarna “pink”, bila keluar lembik dan melekit?

Mata Pengetua terbuka luas dan sebelum sempat dia menahan, si Abu terus menjawab.

Abu: Gula-gula getah (Bubblegum)

Cikgu Murni: Apa yang mereka lakukan, lelaki secara berdiri, wanita secara duduk dan anjing secara tiga kaki?

Mata Pengetua sekali lagi terbuka sangat2 luas dan sebelum dia sempat hendak menahan si Abu terus menjawab.

Abu: Bersalaman
Cikgu Murni: Baik, sekarang saya akan ajukan soalan berbentuk siapakah saya, okay?
Abu: Baik Cikgu

Cikgu Murni: Awak memasukkan batang kedalam saya. Awak ikat saya untuk saya berdiri. Saya kebasahan sebelum awak.

Pengetua kelihatan resah dengan soalan yang diajukan oleh Cikgu Murni.

Abu: Khemah

Cikgu Murni: Jari memasuki saya. Awak menggesel-gesel saya bila awak teringatkan saya. Lelaki idaman akan mendapat saya dahulu.

Pengetua semakin resah dan tidak selesa. Lantas terus meneguk segelas Nescafe 3in1.

Abu: Cincin perkahwinan

Cikgu Murni: Saya ada bermacam-macam saiz. Bila saya sakit saya akan meleleh. Bila saya keluar, banyak tisu yang akan digunakan. Bila awak hembuskan saya, akan berasa lega.

Sekali lagi pengetua rasa amat resah dengan soalan yang di ajukan oleh
sakura na: Sekali lagi pengetua rasa amat resah dengan soalan yang di ajukan oleh Cikgu Murni dan ingin membantah, tapi si Abu mendahuluinya.

Abu: Hidung

Cikgu Murni: Saya batang yang keras. Hujungnya tajam. Saya akan datang dan masuk dengan lajunya.
Abu: Anak panah

Cikgu Murni: Sekarang saya akan ajukan soalan dalam Bahasa Inggeris, okay?

Abu: Okay

Cikgu Murni: What word starts with a ‘F’ and end in ‘K’ that means lot of heat and excitement?
Abu: Firetruck
Cikgu Murni: What word starts with a ‘F’ and ends in ‘K’ & if you dont get it you have to use your hand.
Abu: Fork

Cikgu Murni: What is it that all men have one of. It’s longer on some men than on others, the pope does not use his, and a man gives it to his wife after they are married?
Abu: Surname

Cikgu Murni: What part of the man has no bones but has muscles, lots of veins and loves pumping?
Abu: Heart
Pengetua menghembuskan nafas kelegaan bila mendengar jawapan yang diberikan oleh si Abu, lantas berkata “Baik hantar murid ini ke Universiti Malaya; jawapan yang saya fikirkan semuanya salah”.

P/s: Jika jawapan anda semua salah, anda adalah sama spesies dengan pengetua yang mempunyai pemikiran kuning… hehehe

: saya belajar Universiti Malaya, sbb itu otak saye x kuning...ehehe...sape belajar UM lagi, angkat tgn!!! :p

Thursday, November 27, 2008

pop in and pop out


i always had difficulties to erm-u-know-what!! poop i mean...yeahhh...u got it right...huhu...i wonder lahh how sa'eed has the ability to poop almost three times a day....he must've been a wonder boy ehh...seriously, it can be kept for like 4-5 days...and if luck is on my side, then i get to poop once for like 2 days...and goshhh...don't ask me the me, u don't even wanna know...that's why, whenever i go travel or stay at someone's places, i don't poop as i like...and if i do, that is becoz of emergency cases that cannot be eating non-stop, get dizzy, feel like throwing up...and the solution is -ahhaaa!!- that is why, i think my perut buncit, sbb x leh nk lepas...but once kuar, wahhh kempis abess ehhh...bleh rabak dibuatnye :D

so basically, when travelling, i always refuse to eat alot if u notice laa...but it's not the case when it comes to stay at kak intan's...hahahaha...gilerr laaa...mkn x hengat n xleh nk excess kuar...gile rase badan nk meletop n nak nngis pon ade lahh...kepale dah pening2 lalat...lucky the next day, kuar pon...hahahah....

ok enough with that...lately, i got the natural method for nature's calling...heheh...tuntut it from ibu laaa...she read somewhere, drink a glass of tea and add up a stick of cinnamon in it...and mind u, no sugar ehhh...besides lowering the sugar level, it helps to poop easily...ahhhhhh...that feels nice....i drank and immediately i farted okk...and the next thing i know, i'm on a go to the toilet!!!'s fun...give it a try!!!
cinnamon, teabags and hot water
leave it for about 15minutes before u drink it
notice the changed of colors...ahhh...pekat giler ok... one thing about this is the aromatic smell, but yet the taste is awful...urghhhh...but anyways, it's cheap and i don't get to buy akak sarah punye herbalife way of slimming down i guess?? :p

what about u??how do u get yourself to poop??any tips and care to share yours??

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

forever L.O.S.V.E ~ (listen,observe.say.vain.entertain) L.O.S.V.E is what i do everyday...

always refreshes my W.O.B, BS, Fb and some go bloggers of mine...

i write what i feel, i write when my mind's don't expect me to write almost everyday...i write when i have the passion to do blog is where i can express my beauty of life, my passions and not for my personal life...heheh...but when i'm not writing, it doesn't mean that my mind is not i said, i do L.O.S.V.E!!!!!!i heart my soul, that i only share it with my mannequin...and that mannequin, is the love that i cherished...even tho it cannot speak, but it sees and listens on every single details that i do...huh!!talk about crap :p

off blogging for almost 6 days...lotsa things happened, some can be tell, some can just let it be...but yes!!i'm half way to the top, and part of me is officially bonded to be one...erkkk...last weekend, went to malacca n enjoyed the seafood again, but this time around, Parameswara penuh, so we choosed the Ayahanda laaa...well, the food is so-so laaa sbb dh lapar sgt kot time tuh....but anyways, i liked the appetizers :)

so came monday, and that was the day i spent my leisure time with ibu (plus sa'eed sebok menyibuksss) at spa...eheheh...we were supposed to go there early in the morning, but heck, we can only managed to get ourselves there at half past i needed to book another day for myself...penat woo nana, jd bibik anak kamu...alahai, padahal bukan wat ape pon, setakat basuh berak kadang2, bg mandi sket, then makan, then bengkung, then masak, then chat pastu kene panggil berkali-kali...hahahhaa...baru laa bontot tuh nk bergerak wat keje...kalo x, stick memanjang depan laptop :p

tuesday : was my special day...not only becoz i get to hangout with my ex-studiomates (even tho xdpt jumpe kamu jaziah, but i promise i'll make up for u later ehh??), but something major happened lahhh :)))))))))))))))))))))))))

wednesday : ahahahaha...besides my daily routine, went to alamanda with nourel and sa'eed...and yeshhh as usual, spent almost a hundred at the pharmacy...wehhh, haram laa kalo shopping kat watson...sure abess semua...

huhuhuhu...i wonder what will happen tomorrow...hope for something special again???lalalalalla......senza...aku nk beli pink robe arr akak...jomm...kuikuikui... :p

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

saeed berak kee??

he can be such a cutie lahhh :p
tgk style die yak yak..dh laa tak nk ngaku...hishhh
i like it, and i do what i like, and if u do what u like, then u like it...
then scream your lungs out...nothing's like a me...i don't care, i don't, i don't care and i don't care...i'm just doing what i do...if u don't like it, cry over your head...hahaha

the ohh so melancholic attack

my instinct hardly recognize what i feel lately...sometimes, the feelings are too harsh to me to handle, and yet i have to struggle to comfy myself in this cruel life...each second is too precious and i'm too anxious to learn and breathe the new air...

let the time flies, i wanna know what's going to happen next, even sometimes at times, i regret the past, but i need to head on and never look back...the voice of my head always deny the feelings of the heart...never want to give a way, not even a slip...each and everyday, i waited patiently to the sound of the love...the air smells of its fragrance, yet we need to catch hold of it to get the sweetness of love...sometimes when the wind blows, it takes away the smell of love, making me tempting to breathe even a way, to feel it...

ahhhh...i'm just a small heart living in an empty big is so empty at times even if u scream your lungs out, u can never be heard...ooowhhh, this heart pain has rotten my soul, and change my point of view...the view that i see today is getting clearer, though when the rain comes, it washes it all away...leaving me no clue, and i surrender...i was blinded by the lies beneath it, that i can never listen to the truth that speaks in between...

i dont wanna change myself into some seriuos type of person, but the world has taught me to become one...even the so called friendship can be betrayed, what more can you expect from the outsiders...i'm not talking about friendship, but i'm talking about my life...i'm so tired to live with all the wrong doings that i have done, that i want to end it up now...

Monday, November 17, 2008


Kau begitu sempurna
Di mataku kau begitu indah
Kau membuat diriku akan selalu memujamu

Di setiap langkahku ku kan
selalu memikirkan dirimu
Tak bisa ku bayangkan
Hidupku tanpa cintamu

Janganlah kau tinggalkan diriku
tak kan mampu menghadapi semua
Hanya bersamamu ku akan bisa

Kau adalah darahku
Kau adalah jantungku
Kau adlah hidup ku lengkapi diriku oh sayang engkau begitu sempurna .. sempurna

Kau genggam tanganku saat diriku lemah dan terjatuhk au bisikkan dan hapus semua sesalku

Back to bridge

Kau adalah darahku
Kau adalah jantungku
Kau adalah hidup ku lengkapi diriku oh sayang engkau begitu sempurna .. sempurna

Sayangku engkau begitu sempurna.. sempurna.. sempurna..

andra and the backbone
will always always always and forever love this song :)))))
xoxo *hugsss*

Sunday, November 16, 2008

what a kiss can do for ya??

a friend of mine emailed me this...
ignore if u have read about it before :p

Zaman ni zaman susah. Harga minyak naik terus, akibatnya terjadi pemberhentian di berbagai syarikat. Salah satunya yg terkena pemberhentian ialah Suparjo dari Semarang , Indon. Bulan ni dia tak dapat kirim wang utk isterinya di kampung halaman. Hanya dapat kirim surat yg isinya demikian:

Isteriku tercinta,

Maafkan kanda sayang, bulan ni kanda tak dapat kirim wang utk keperluan keluarga di rumah Kanda hanya dapat mengirimkan buatmu 1000 ciuman.

paling cinta,
Kanda Suparjo

Seminggu kemudian Suparjo mendapat surat balasan dari isteri tercintanya

Kanda Suparjo tersayang,
Terima kasih atas kiriman 1000 ciumanmu. Utk bulan ini Dinda akan menyampaikan laporan perbelanjaan keluarga:

Tukang minyak bersedia menerima 2 ciuman setiap kali membeli 5 liter minyak tanah.

Tukang letrik mahu dibayar dengan 4 ciuman setiap 10hb setiap bulan.

Tuan rumah mahu sewanya dibayar ansuran 3 kali ciuman setiap hari.

Tokeh kedai runcit tak mahu dibayar pakai ciuman. Dia mintak yg lain jadi Dinda terpaksa berikan saja.

Hal yg sama juga kepada Guru Besar dan guru kelas sekolah di Nanang yg dah 3 bulan tertunggak.

Besok Dinda nak ke pajak gadai utk tukar 200 ciuman dgn wang tunai sebab Tokeh pajak gadai dah sedia tukarkan 200 ciuman dan gadaian yg lain dgn wang Rp650 ribu. Lumayan buat belanja sebulan.

Keperluan peribadi Dinda bulan ni mencapai 50 ciuman. Kanda tersayang..
bulan ni Dinda merasa menjadi org paling kaya di kampung kita kerana Dinda berikan hutang ciuman kepada ramai pemuda di kampung dan siap ditukar dengan apa pun keperluan Dinda.

Yang dari kanda masih berbaki 125 ciuman, kanda ada fikiran bagaimana mahu dihabiskan? Atau Dinda simpan dululah dalam tabung yer??

Paling sayang,
dari Dinda Suti Nirwingsih

.... gedebuk. .. Suparjo pengsan!!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

hot deals :D

and lots more!!
here at
goshhh...feel like buying all lahh :p

p/s:i'll update about anarauda later :p been tied up with the weekends :)))

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Ugly Duckling


what happened when u kemas-kemas your old stuffs??

ofcoz u will find some unexpected things that u wouldn't know that it ever exist !!you, getting to know your mum's certificate studies, your dad old secret(but ofcoz not the dirty little secret one mehh) and not to forget old pictures!!! that's what happened lahh...i get to see the old time flies, without even giving any warning to me, except warns me that my face changed from time to time...and imagined to have a mother that didn't remember how her daugther looked depressing ahh...however, this evolution of me, i would like to dedicate to maisa laa as she's getting older last 12th november 2008...and ofcoz, i grew older day by day watching u getting older that's explain why suddenly i'm on the mood looking for old stuffs...enough said :)

starting off with the sicked me :(( well, my whole baby life was never fully utilized..hahah..atleast for me lahh...becoz. i suffered from jaundice(correct me if i'm wrong :) and most of my time, were spent in being hospitilized...and to get my back-bone water, was yet another experience that can never be forgotton...and maybe becoz of that, i'm not that strong, a bit weak and sometimes i'm jenis yg menggigil tuh...especially when i'm nervous!!u can see my whole body is parents were told by the doctor that if the operation didn't succeed, i might get paralyzed!!goshhh, Alhamdulillah i'm fine... :)
and this is me after recovered from the pain lahh...u see, i never was a cute baby...never smile one :p hahaha...ofcoz i don't remember if i ever smiled at that time :Dhaha...that's me and my brother, mushtaq :pthis was like 4 yrs old of me??hmmm...
and this is when i'm 4-5 not so sure, but i'm very sure of the location...but looking at the hair is probably around 1990s...the earlier picture above was shot before we flew all the way to Bradford, Uk.

ahhaa...the cheeky me with little rumaisa :p wehh muke ko same je dowhh..muke aku je yg macam berubah-ubah kan :D
and this is me at the age of 14 :p hahahha, so innocent look rite?? i haven't yet found any of my picture during school days...i wished i have one...but no ofcoz...and so we skipped the teenagers i'm looking forward on my adult side of me :)) do i need to upload the current pics of me??well i guess no, sbb dah terpampang besar2 kat header tuh...enjoy looking at it!!!harharharhar :D wehh, my story telling nih kan, macam cerite the ugly duckling plaks :p erkkk...yeke?!!

i like the part when the ugly duckling said, "Goodness! How I've changed! I hardly recognize myself!"

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


o my god...
i so like these outfits from chickdowntown!! check out the webby...
u can find stuffs like above...and hell yeahh...they are giving off discounts!!
ofcoz i can't buy it and can't wear something like this eyhh :((
but i'll try to find a long skirt lahh when i start my office day :D :))

color or not to color?

the other day, i asked mysis,
"what's the hukum for coloring your hair?"

and she said
"there are two types of coloring...permanent and non permanent... the permanent is a totally BIG no-no, but yes, u can go for the non-permanent(inai) boleh, but harus diingatkan,untuk mencantikkan diri for suami, not for menunjuk2..."
as for me, i know i'm not married yet, but still i can do that as long as i'm not showing it to some one else...

ofcoz that's not the hokum...the hukum is harus lahhh... :p so i went tru JAKIM's website, to seek for the right/confirmed answer...
soalan : saya telah menggunakan pewarna rambut SHURAH. adakah pewarna rambut SHURAH boleh dipakai dan dibuat sembahyang?di produk itu terdapat tanda halal HFC SEA INTERNATIONAL

jawapan :harus menggunakan pewarna rambut SHURAH dan boleh dibawa sembahyang sekiranya ia tidak mengandungi bahan-bahan bernajis dan telap air untuk berwudhu'.
lately, i've seen lotsa products that have halal certifiete. however, does the halal complies on the product only or it is halal to wear??get what i mean??when u want to color your hair, u need to make sure the product is "telus" whenever u perform your salat, the water gets tru as u take your ablution...therefore, it is very important to know the rite product to use...if u are not sure, u better seek on someone who is knowlegable than u, be it ustaz/ustazah.
so, since shurah has this halal from jakim, i went tru their website to find out more abou the products...above picture are the products by SHURAH, it is made out of inai (not coloring, that is why most of the colors are at the same base) with the help of susu kambing to keep your hair moist/not dry after using it..NOTE : i would like to stress, it is a sunnah, for those who inai their hair bile beruban rambut for orang mude, memakai inai is good as it strengthen your hair and die ade banyak khasiat nye...go google other khasiatnye eyhh...hehehe...

so back to coloring my hair, or rather to say 'inai' my hair lahhh...what color do u think suits me best??Rangkaian Pewarna Rambut Shurah yang terdiri daripada tujuh jenis warna: Hitam/ Perang Gelap/ Burgundi/ Merah Klasik/ Koper Merah/ Kayu Manis/ Koper Asli...

pls, do give me your suggestion :)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

makan-makan time

hey guys!!

wut UP??

i dunno what u've been up to, but i do got something's going up...

hahaha...well the other day (monday has always been the busiest day of all days), shakina and i got the chance to go to seoul garden at plaza kerinchi. the place is very easy to go, either by bus (pakcik Rapid), taxi, LRT!!of coz and by driving your own car...heheh...and the location also is quite strategic, as you can never miss the restaurants' header as you pass by the Federal Highway...

basically, this restaurant serves an all kind steamboat(u can choose soup/tomyam)/bbq style buffet for only rm25++ (lunch) and rm33++ ( dinner)...i didnt remember the exact amount ofcoz...since i've never been a fan of numbers, go checkout the place yourself :p

i've been there for about three times, and that's my first time having lunch there...i've always wonder what makes the lunch buffet way cheaper compared to the dinner buffet, afterall it serves almost the same...then i noticed, u didn't get to taste the marvellous spicy lamb bbq, or the lala, kerang, ketam and sotong during lunchtime...nonetheless, i think that's fine :p

we arrived there around 1.10pm and need to rush ourselves til 2.30pm since we need to meet up with our studio master...and so, 2.30pm it'd be, afterall it does close at advice is, drink alot of syrup, tea or coffee since u'll be charged differently, and that will cost u 3.50rm each...hahaha...i bet u, for a glass of syrup that taste like kenduri kawen punye syrup, u don't wanna pay for that price eyhhh :D

started off with desserts...notice that green jelly thingy, ouchh..i loike...
and it tasted like honeydew...well it is :D
lately, i'm into honeydew :p
the steamboat and daging salai :D gile tak hengat dok tambah menambah :p
ofcoz we ate salads, becoz we'r on diet eyhh...avoid rice mehh :p
me, yang makan x sopan tuh :p need to crop the pic so that u xnmpk bape byk pinggan aku balon :p

my happy partner, enjoying her every minute lorhh :D

p/s : next up, i'm looking forward for a japanese buffet...bile nye akak?? i tot u said, u wanna bring me to shogun!!aku dh siap google dh :p

Sunday, November 9, 2008

forever love jazz :)

welcome to the world of bloggers young creative jazzeblle!!!
hope u can jazz yourself around here...
and since we're celebrating a newcomer out there, hence, this is why i purposely changed the layout and give something fresh new...but most importantly -ME...
yeahh...mind the header, after all the blog is all about ANArauda...
so u get to see my faces whenever u step in :D
ok, maybe if i get sick to look at my face, i promise u i will change again...
and fyi, the blog header was perfectly done by her!!!pls give credits :p
this post has nothing much to say except for welcoming u dear :)

Saturday, November 8, 2008

out from under-joanna pacitti

Breath you out
Breath you in
You keep coming back to tell me
you're the one who could have been
and my eyes see it all so clear
It was long ago and far away but it never disappears
I try to put it in the past
Hold on to myself and don't look back

I don't wanna dream about
All the things that never were
Maybe I can live without
When I'm out from under
I don't wanna feel the pain
What good would it do me now
I'll get it all figured out
When I'm out from under

So let me go
Just let me fly away
Let me feel the space between us growing deeper
And much darker every day
Watch me now and I'll be someone new
My heart will be unbroken
It will open up for everyone but you
Even when I cross the line
It's like a lie I've told a thousand times

And part of me still believes
When you say you're gonna stick around
And part of me still believes
We can find a way to work it out
But I know that we tried everything we could try
So let's just say goodbye

pics were taken from WoB

p/s: i heard that britney will be singing this song in her own version for the next album circus...
hope it's true...becoz the song is so jiwang seyhh!!i know this song will somehow related to her ex husband, if u noticed the lyrics lahh...

Friday, November 7, 2008

the one drop miracle!!

a friend of mine asked me to do a favor...well, not exactly a big favor, but enough to promote the small business that he's currently doing now, which is selling perfumes!!no joking :p the thing is, lately my blog has been a place for advertisement, so when he asked, then i said "why not rite??"

the uniqueness of these perfumes are :-

::it is inspired by most popular perfumes like Calvin Klein, Estee Lauder, Ralph Lauren and many more.

::better known as "one drop perfumes" becoz it is very pure with alcohol free and no added water.

::it is based from Egypt.

::and for further information, u can read it here

pls buzz me/leave your order in the comment section if intersted :)


a little bit personal

remember when i mentioned about posting some pictures of my white room??
well eventually, i managed to do so becoz it's so0oo plain boring tonite after a very long day, but yet, i cannot sleep..and so, i took my dslr and snapped some best shot of the room...mind you, u can never see my room as clean as this at everytime :p...and what's more??i'm sleeping with my angel tonite!! :)

high quality pashmina hijabs and dubai/hamidah/anggerik hijabs

dear readers,
pashmina hijab for sale...
while stock last!!so hurry!!
the price is only 15rm (not including the postage)...
do buzz me/inform me if u r interested

*colors might be vary from the photos.kindly ask for further information :)

model is wearing Go-"Grin" pashmina-rm15
*updated : taken/sold

model is wearing I-heart-U pashmina-rm15model is wearing Turqois-sea pashmina-rm15
*updated: taken/soldmodel is wearing purpulica-porca-rm15
*updated : booked
and yeshhh...
go to and get yourself a very high quality Dubai/hamidah/anggerik shawls :) get the plain/motifs design at reasonable price :)

here are some of the examples

tudung hamidah
tudung anggeriktudung dubai

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

wait for the new hijab!! :)

tonite i can't sleep, becoz i've been sleeping for like *errrr* almost the whole day?? haha

and yeshh, being the only one celik tgh2 malam ni...i'm craving for lots of having a totally new wardrobe and all that...heh...and spending my times by looking at the new trends now...

talk about fashion, i love surfing and reading any articles/materials on that...and usually, i will always drop by at this page. it's not that the page has everything, but atleast, it is less talking with lots of photos to describe!!! basically, it is simple and straight to the, for those who are learning on wearing various style of hijab wrapping, i think this is the most suitable website to go tru...and after knowing how to wrap the hijab, u can buy the hijabs/shawls that i will post later on the next post!!-hahahha-sempat promote lagi :p

Monday, November 3, 2008

temperature drops!!

and the weekends were blast!!
we had the best shopping spree time ever, with the world's best couple ever too!! (maksu n paksu :p)
singapore was never really that fun without the food, shops and bubble drinks!!hahha
we were like so0oo full for every hour and minutes!!imagine how full is that.. *huhh*
and the best part is, we surrendered =)
but seriously next time, if i had the chance to go there again, it will be its sup tulang i'm looking forward!!!coz, i can never had enough of that yet!! :p
too much for talking rite now...
i'll update something else up!!
thnx for dropping by :)

p/s: yes!!to syurga tinggi, our family is getting bigger :)