Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Jadi student balik~hehe

Learning something old isn't the new thing. Like having to revise back all the subjects that I'd learn in secondary school really cracks my brain into pieces. Tonight only, I flipped through a book on Mathematics, i must say that finally i realized how much I've forgotten almost everything. Studying architecture makes me forgot all the formulas, since we no longer touch on it. For us, 1+1 is equal to 3!! Recently, little sister decided to take SPM (10 subjects) and went for private school somewhere in Cheras. She's the only one in our family who did not continue for secondary school, instead she learned Islamic Studies. Now, she's an Ustazah with a tauliyah although she doesn't like to be called one.hehe.

She hopes to continue her studies by doing degree in any university somewhere around middle east. Most probably Al-Azhar. So, she started by taking STAM( an examination on higher level for Islamic studies that is the same level as STPM) last year and this year, she sets out for SPM since Malaysia needs at least BM for qualification. Hence the reason why i must crack my brain for her too. I'm a bit worried because we've got so much things to catch up. she needs to cover up all in one year. When i say all, that covers up f1-f5 topics!!Let's hope for the best, and ruqayya~u need to discipline yourself and stop playing around.

Meanwhile, on the other hand i need to buy some tropical questions books starting from now on. And, kindly inform me if any of you wants to sell/lend me their f4's textbooks. I want M3, Science, Sejarah. Anyone with brothers/sisters?Thank you.


rumaisa lee said...

meh ako ajar if ako ingt lg.hahah

mia sarah hemiza said...

buku yg zaman kte skola dlu ko tak simpan?? hehe..